I just wanted to give you all a heads up concerning Rafflecopter Giveaways on blogs. If you frequently enter giveaways you have probably noticed that Rafflecopter automatically will log you in with Facebook if you are already logged into Facebook. When it does this the email address that is provided is your primary Facebook email address. Many of you do not use this email and therefore, if you are the chosen winner you may not get notification of you winning.
As a blogger who hosts many giveaways I can tell you I do not have time to track you down every which way and wait for you to respond if you fail to respond to the initial email. I do my best, but like most bloggers I will simply go on to the next winner if the first chosen winner does not respond within 48 hours or whatever the set time was.
How to resolve this problem… First of all I will do my part and start asking for an email address where you can be reached on the first mandatory entry on the giveaways of which I host the Rafflecopter. I can’t make any promises on group giveaways where I am not hosting.
You can do one of two things to resolve this issue. Either log in to the Rafflecopter with your email address rather than with Facebook (Note: you will have to be logged off Facebook to do this) or change your primary Facebook email address to one that you actually use. Do this within your Facebook account settings by adding the new email address and setting it as your primary. Important to note: Do Not use an email address already associated with another Facebook account. It could potentially delete one of the accounts if you do. This has happened to me before, so beware!
If you do not take these steps you could potentially miss out on winning prizes. I have an ended giveaway right now with no response from the winner. I will be doing my part to track this person down, but if they do not respond to my efforts I will have to choose another winner. I just want you all to be aware of this so you don’t miss out on your prizes.
Now, if you entered my Rock ‘N Learn giveaway and your name is Lisandra F. please respond with a comment to this post or check your FB email and respond to it as you are the winner. While we are on the topic of giveaways, if you would like to enter current giveaways, check HERE. There a few good ones still going on including the Rachel Ray cookware, Knot Genie Detangling Brush, Memory on Hand USB band and the Extreme Cash Giveaway plus many more to come.
Thanks for your attention to this matter and good luck on all your giveaways! I always hope my readers are winning some nice prizes so please do your part to assure you receive them.
One last thing to note: Be sure to check your spam folder regularly also if you enter a lot of giveaways. Giveaway winner emails tend to go to spam a lot.
Thank you !
I email you thanks hope i can claim
Very informative. Thank you!!
The email addy I primarily use for giveaways is used by my 13 yr old on FB. I keep a close eye on everything she does on facebook by looking at that email account, but often forget to check the spam folder.