I have been compiling cute Easter cupcake recipes that I have come across and thought I’d share for those of you that might like to do some baking this Easter Sunday. The Chick and Egg Cupcakes recipe above can be found HERE on FoodNetwork.com. If you are looking for more than Easter cupcakes you can find 100 Cupcake Recipes there also for just about any kind of cupcake you can think of!
Those super cute Easter Basket Cupcakes were found on Bakerella.com HERE and might just be my favorite!
For this Simple but sweet Easter Cupcake, go HERE to SimpleBites.net! Looks so easy even I could do it!
These adorable Bunny Cupcakes can be found HERE on FamilyFun.go.com with video instructions. You’ll find lots of other fun Easter recipes there also!
Here is another variation of the Easter Basket Cupcakes also found on FamilyFun.go.com. Too cute!
Here is a simple Fluffy Bunny Cupcake from Kraftrecipes.com. Looks yummy!
How about some cute Little Marshmallow Sheep Cupcakes from Oprah.com. Seems easy enough. Check it out HERE!
One more from Family Fun just for Spring – Spring Showers Cupcake! Love it!
And last but not least check out these adorable Silly Cupcakes from OurBestBites.com! They are meant for April Fools but so cute for any time! You’ll find Spaghetti and Meatball Cupcakes, Peas and Carrots and Mashed Potato Cupcakes, Popcorn Cupcakes and Corn on the Cob Cupcakes. That’s one way to get your kids to eat their vegetables!
Well hope you found some fun cupcakes to make and have a fantastic Easter with your little ones!
Hi! I have awarded you the Versatil Blogger Award! Thanks for your cute and awesome blog! Keep up the great work! Have a great day! Versatile Blogger Award
Thanks so much T.J.! Your blog is pretty awesome too! I followed you all over. Thanks for recognizing me! 🙂 You made my day!